Director, Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System (SCCOOS)

Director, Cooperative Institute for Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Systems (CIMEAS)

Departments: Integrative Oceanography Division (Researcher) and Marine Physical Laboratory

Committees: National Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Committee (Co-Chair), SCOR GlobalHAB Scientific Steering Committee (Chair), National HAB Observing Network Community of Practice (Co-Chair), UN Decade Programme "Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy" (OASIS, Steering Committee), U.S. CLIVAR Working Group on Climate Data and Predictions for Coastal Solutions (Co-Chair)


Cooperative Institute for Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Systems (CIMEAS), Lead PI

NOAA IOOS Regional Association:  Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System (SCCOOS), Lead PI

NOAA IOOS Coastal Ocean and Modeling Testbed:  Enhancing the Capability of NOS ROMS-based Operational Models to Assimilate Coastal Ocean Observations using the JEDI framework

ECOHAB19:  Oceanographic and Cellular Controls on Domoic Acid Production in the Central and Southern California Current System, CO-PI

ECOHAB18:  Integrated modeling of harmful algal genus Pseudo-nitzschia to Support Ecosystem Prediction and Environmental Management in the Southern California Current System, CO-PI

PCMHAB20:  Harmful Algal Bloom Community Technology Accelerator (i.e. development of a national HAB Data Assembly Center), Lead PI

NSF-Coastlines and People Research Coordination Network:  New Technology to Inform Coastal Science and Management (RESON), CO-PI

CA Ocean Protection Council Proposition 1:  Implementation of an Automated Early Warning System for Harmful Algal Bloom Events in California. Establishing a statewide network of Imaging FlowCytobots (IFCBs) for real-time HAB detection, Lead PI            

CA Ocean Protection Council Proposition 68/CA Sea GrantA California Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Data Portal to enable synthesis and understanding of statewide status and trend, CO-PI                                                                                                         

CA Sea Grant: A novel approach to identifying sources, transfer, and impacts of domoic acid in marine food webs, CO-PI                         

NASA PACE Early Adopter Program: California Harmful Algae Risk Mapping (C-HARM) System, Lead PI

NASA PACE Validation Science Team: Validating PACE ocean color, biogeochemistry, net primary productivity, and phytoplankton community metrics with the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) Program (22-PACE22_2-0038), Lead PI


SCCOOS and CIMEAS websites:,;

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